Monday, April 8, 2013

Blog Post of the Week

Congratulations to Matthew S of C Block! He earned blog post of the week! His response to Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" was insightful and well-written. Take a look at his writing below!

"In "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, Robert makes the courageous decision to take the road less taken instead of a safer road that has been used more. I believe "The Road Not Taken" is the unused one. Though you may always question the decision the road less traveled on is more adventurous with its "undergrowth" while the other was worn out and only grassy. If I was Robert I would have chosen the road less traveled on because it is more adventurous to take an unknown road than the constantly used road. Also, you may see much more beautiful nature while walking the mysterious less traveled on road. Furthermore, by saying "And that has made all the difference" shows a positive outcome from selecting the road he chose. Clearly, the road not taken was the less traveled on road."

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