Monday, January 14, 2013

Blog Post of the Week!

Congrats to Joselyn S of D block! Her amazing and descriptive blog post about her fears and how they affect her life decisions was a pleasure to read! Her writing came alive and truly engaged the reader. Take a look at it here:

"An embarrassing fear that shadow's my everyday life is the lurking oceans, with the secrets it holds. I don't understand this fear, perhaps it's the sharks that animate the sea. The navy waters creating an eerie mood making me edgy about going in, even staying in. Imagine this, you are swishing your legs in the water, not bothering a soul and suddenly a large mammal comes out of the never ending oceans, tearing off one of your limbs. I am completely horrified of this happening to me. Even when I am water skiing, the image floods my brains as though toxins secretly entered my mind. I cannot get over the fact that sharks could be beneath me; maybe that is the reason for this fear. Another hypothesis is that I might be afraid of how large the ocean is, the mysterious ribbon like waves surrounding me; making it almost impossible to know what is around me. One of the times I went swimming an unbearable sensation that something was following me appeared. I don't know why, or even how but it certainly happened. There have been many shark attacks in Gloucester, and I am afraid this will take over my life if a mammal of this sort attacked me. Unfortunately this is a fear that I have, and I share it with many others. And maybe one day I will overcome my fear, but for now this fear shadow's me." 

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