Wednesday, June 19, 2013


This year certainly flew by. I am going to miss you all so much! Thank you for making my first year so memorable. Have a safe and happy summer!

^ HR 301 :-)

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Last One! :-O

The final days of seventh grade are upon us! Summer is within reach and 8th grade is just around the corner. Before you know it, you'll be heading up the the high school! WAIT--before you move on and leave me :(..... lets reminisce about ELA!

1. What was something you learned this year or something you feel you've improved upon?

2. Most of you wandered into school last September not knowing what to expect from your new teachers. Over these past few months you have grown immensely. How have you changed since that first day? (More confidence? More responsible? Different friends? etc.)

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Which direction do you choose? Flash forward ten years from now, where do you see yourself? Did you graduate college? Do you have a job? What are your aspirations?

Please post your comment as a response to this post. Your post is due Monday, June 17th at 5pm.  



Thursday, June 6, 2013

Authors at Work!

Students are working hard to complete their final project for the Oral Tradition Unit. They are working alone or in partners creating a fable, folk tale, myth, legend or epic and illustrating it. The creative juices are flowing as they prepare to present next week.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Blog Post of the Week

Congratulations to Brittany T of B Block for earning "Blog Post of the Week!" Her explanation of why one should be careful when trusting flatters is interestingly presented
Take a look below:

"I do agree with the moral of the fable “The Fox And The Crow”. You should never trust flatterers because some people don’t mean it. For example, in the movie “Mean Girls”, one of the main characters, Regina says to a girl “I like your bracelet” and when the girl walks away, Regina says “that’s the most hideous bracelet I’ve ever seen”. Some people, like Regina, just flatter you to be nice or when you are just standing there awkwardly, they compliment someone just to start a conversation or to just to say something. Some flatterers exaggerate. For instance, if someone says to you “That’s the most prettiest bracelet I’ve ever seen,” they are totally exaggerating. They have probably seen prettier bracelets, they are just saying that to make you feel special. Flatterers should never be trusted!"