Students have been diligently working on open response and 3-column note practice since last week. A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley has been our focus as we compose notes and responses to the various writing prompts. After much preparation, students were ready to conquer the test on Act II today. They will have some time tomorrow to finish up as well. I am looking forward to reading their writing, because I know they all explained their answer in an organized fashion with a thesis/claim, details, conclusion and proper use of transition words! After this week, they most definitely deserve a break for all their hard work!

Welcome to Beauport's ELA blog! I am so excited for what is in store for us this year! I am hoping you will find this website to be an excellent resource for you to keep track of your assignments as well as contribute to thought-provoking class discussions and debates. :-) Utilize the tabs below as needed!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Blog Post of the Week
Congratulations to Emily W. of B Block for her magnificent blog post! Her response to last week's prompt was insightful and descriptive! Take a look at it below.
(After both viewing the play at the North Shore Music Theater and finishing up Act 2, we see a huge character change in Scrooge. Describe his character change. Do you believe that people can change completely, as Scrooge does? Explain your response and feel free to include any examples from your life.)
"How fast Scrooge changed was miraculous! People change whether it’s for better or worse. But, I believe change takes time, it’s not something that happens overnight. I suppose it might be different if you are visited by three ghosts that are telling you what has been, what is present and what will be. My Great Uncle Peter used to be an old grumpy man and was extremely ungrateful at times. As a child, I was afraid of him. One day, Uncle Pete’s blood sugar was too high (he has diabetes), and he fell to the floor and couldn’t get up. The ambulance came because his caretaker walked in and saw that he couldn’t get up. But, if someone wasn’t there for him he could have died. I think he really thought about it and realized life isn’t forever and it’s better to care about people and be nice. Since then, he has been nice.
People do change or at least that is what I believe. Scrooge never did anything for others and always had an awful attitude toward the nicest people. That is how my uncle was. For Scrooge, his life was put in perspective when he saw the future and how no one cared when he died because he was so mean. That can really change a person, even in real life situations. Scrooge also drastically changed his attitude towards others because he lost the love of his life. That happened to my great uncle, too and it is something that could most likely scar someone forever. But, eventually you have to move on with life.
Scrooge and my uncle both moved on with their life and became really awesome people. They changed for the better. So yes, people can change, just maybe not as fast as Scrooge did."
Monday, December 10, 2012
Blog Post of the Week
Congrats to Meghan C of A Block! Her letter to Scrooge was extremely well-written and it earned her the Blog Post of the Week prize!
You can read Meghan's post below:
December 6, 2012
Dear Ebenezer Scrooge,
I think that you should change your ways. You are missing out in life by being cranky, and negative with the people around you. The way that you treat other people effects their lives, and yours. I really think it would be best for you if you stopped being so morose.
You are really missing out on time spent with your family. You loved your sister Fan, didn't you? Look how you're treating Fan's only child, your nephew. When he offered for you to have Christmas dinner with him and his wife, you told him that Christmas was a humbug, and that he should never have gotten married. When your nephew asked you to spend time with him, your only family, and have a wonderful, joyous Christmas, you decided you would not go, but instead work, and not celebrate Christmas at all. You're missing out on one of the best things in life, family.
In addition to that, you are missing out on Christmas, and all of the excitement that comes with it. Christmas is a time for happiness, it is a cause for celebration, and all you can say about Christmas is "Bah. Humbug." When you were invited to your nephew's house for dinner you refused, and decided you would work instead. When your clerk, Bob Cratchit, asked for Christmas day off, you said that he was robbing you of your money, and told him that he had to come into work extra early the next morning. You are missing out on a truely amazing holiday, Christmas, and you are forceing other people like Bob Cratchit to miss out on Christmas too.
As you can see, your crankiness, negativity, and your overall attitude towards life really effect the way you, and the people around you live. Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you weren't so cantankerous? I'm sure it would be great, unlike now. You are missing out on so much, not just Christmas and family time, but so much more too. I beg you to change the way you act towards the people around you. You are constantly being a miser, and by changing that you, and all of the wonderful people around you, will be very joyful, and have a much better life.
Meghan C
Friday, December 7, 2012
Field Trip Reflections
Students reflected on yesterday's field trip to the North Shore Music Theater. They saw an amazing performance of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol. Today in class we discussed the beauty of live theater in that one never sees the same show twice! We also began to think about the differences and similarities between the live performance and actual text we are reading.
Here are some pictures of the students working on their Venn Diagrams:
Monday, December 3, 2012
Blog Post of the Week
Congratulations to Brendan J from DBlock on being awarded
"Blog Post of the Week" in response to the following:
"Blog Post of the Week" in response to the following:
"This is a lesson to us all. A
reminder that it doesn’t matter who you are – the way we interact with
each other every day is important. We affect each other. In big ways and in small. Whether it’s a cashier at the local shop or the new boss from regional head office, we are all people first. We all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day."
Reflect upon the above quotation. Do you agree with it? Why or why not? Support your response. Think of the many people you have come across in your life and describe how some have affected you.
Reflect upon the above quotation. Do you agree with it? Why or why not? Support your response. Think of the many people you have come across in your life and describe how some have affected you.
--- Here is Brendan's post --
Monday, November 26, 2012
Money = Root of All Evil?
Discussion focusing on the Industrial Revolution and the life of Charles Dickens filled the air today in room 301. In preparation for studying A Christmas Carol, students also participated in a debate like activity where they examined one another's thoughts concerning the following meaningful quotations that are relevant to the story:
1. Money is the root of all evil.
2. Money can’t buy happiness.
3. Rob from the rich to give to the
4. Money makes the world go round.
5. Only a life lived for others is a
life worthwhile. –Albert Einstein
6. Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success. –Albert Schweitzer
7. Most people are about as happy as
they make up their minds to be. –Abraham Lincoln
You can check out the animated video students viewed today that told the life of Charles Dickens HERE
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Punctuation is Important!
In class today students began to realize the power of punctuation. It can vastly change meaning!
For example, look at the following group of words and punctuate it properly to make it a sentence:
"Woman without her man is nothing"
---> Woman, without her man, is nothing.
---> Woman: without her, man is nothing.
I like the second one better ;-)
We also discussed how punctuation can save lives!
Tomorrow as students prepare their 6 Word Memoirs, they will be focusing on punctuation and word choice in order to best express their story.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Buddha to Beauport?
Buddha once wrote, "ALL EXPERIENCE IS PRECEDED BY MIND" --- and that includes writing! If you come into ELA class with a positive attitude, accepting that you have to write and deciding to make the most out of it by being prepared to learn and doing your best, then your experience in ELA (and your experience with writing) will be positive! This, among other things, was what we talked about in ELA today.
Having a thoughtful discussion with students along with hearing all their great ideas as they brainstormed was a remarkable experience. The more we examine and talk about writing as well as practice it, the more enjoyable it becomes as students further understand how to write and the importance of writing.
Having a thoughtful discussion with students along with hearing all their great ideas as they brainstormed was a remarkable experience. The more we examine and talk about writing as well as practice it, the more enjoyable it becomes as students further understand how to write and the importance of writing.
These composition tips really helped too!
Make it personal. Relate to the prompt in some way.
If you can find a way to identify with the prompt it will allow you to write
more freely and easily.
Embellish. This may play a factor in helping you
identify with the prompt. You can
exaggerate. Make your story more interesting by adding detail. Figurative
language can be part of that detail. Don’t be afraid to tap into your
imagination to produce more interesting writing!
Engage your readers. Use dialogue and figurative language.
Do not make it a list. Do not TELL. SHOW with your writing! HOOK your readers
in with a catchy lead! Write something that you would want to keep reading.
Make it worthy of being read. What is your audience going to get
out of reading your composition? Will they learn something? Will they be
entertained? Will they discover a new outlook on life? Will they begin to view
something differently? Don’t just go
through the motions. If you are going to write something--- make it
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